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Argumentative Essay Topics for College Assignments

The main aim of the assignment is to teach you to support your opinion with facts and logical conclusions against some opposite statements.

To write an essay, you shall start with choosing a proper topic that will be interesting and appealing.

Argumentative Essay Topics Choice

There are two possible ways of getting your topic. Sometimes, teachers prefer giving the topic on their own, so you actually have no choice.

However, often teacher gives you an opportunity to choose the topic independently. If you are picking a topic that coincides with your interests, be sure it’s proper for an academic discussion.

Argumentative Essay Topics and Methods of Essay Preparation

If you are preparing to work on your essay, start with determining necessary stages that shall be taken for an excellent result:

No matter how much you know about the topic, it’s always better to get some more information. Start from picking up five reliable sources and reading the data carefully. While reading, take some notes and write down those statements and quotes that may sound supportive for your core idea.

It’s also comfortable to mark each statement taken from a book or an article according to the original source it was taken from. It will help you to save time when indicating quotes in your final text later. It’s also useful to write down key facts about each source you are working with, as you may need the information later for a bibliography or a list of references.

Don’t forget that not only those facts that support your own idea shall be interesting for you, so write down some opposite statements for the part when you speak about the alternative views on the subject you discuss.

Argumentative Essay Examples

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Argumentative Essay Outline

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Argumentative Essay Sample

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Argumentative Essay Template

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Argumentative Essay Examples

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Argumentative Essay Examples

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Argumentative Essay Format

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Argumentative Essay Format

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Argumentative Essay Outline

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Argumentative Essay Outline

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Argumentative Essay Sample

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Argumentative Essay Sample

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Argumentative Essay Template

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Argumentative Essay Examples

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Argumentative Essay Examples

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Argumentative Essay Format

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Argumentative Essay Format

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Argumentative Essay Outline

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Argumentative Essay Outline

Argumentative Essay Topics Inspirational Examples

1. Shall homosexual couples or individuals be encouraged to adopt kids?
2. How physical punishment may influence the health of children?
3. How a child from a single-parent family can get classic family values?
4. Do children of criminals need special psychological therapy and control?
5. Does a child have more chances to grow up an aggressive person witnessing domestic violence?

1. Is abortion a violation of a right to live?
2. Shall a person be given a right to commit a suicide if the decision is taken deliberately?
3. How illegal immigration can be effectively controlled?
4. Are there reasons to make death penalty legal?
5. Is globalization a positive phenomenon or a negative one?

1. Shall a psychologist report an information that may help in solving a crime to police if the information is received from a client during a private talk?
2. Shall it be legal to hold gun at home for self-protection?
3. Shall doctors be allowed to lie to their patients if hearing the truth may influence their health badly?
4. Shall prostitution become a legal profession?
5. Is hunting equal to animal cruelty?

1. Are there ways of guaranteeing free medical care to every citizen?
2. Shall prisoners receive free medical care in any case?
3. Is there a sense to keep testing medicine on animals?
4. Shall people with sexually transmitted diseases be forced to inform their partners about the disease?
5. Shall alcohol addiction be treated as a physical disease or as a psychological disorder?

1. Should teachers have a friendship with their students?
2. Cons of classic education comparing to some innovative models.
3. Shall sports be a part of school education?
4. Shall children with special needs visit specialized schools only?
5. Shall parents take part in managing the educational processes?

Military Science:
1. Shall it be allowed to use chemical weapons in exceptional cases?
2. What could become the main reason for Germany to lose the Second World War, having one of the best military forces in history?
3. Can soldiers be replaced by robots?
4. Is it always necessary to include ground forces to a successful military strategy?
5. Which measures can be legally taken to civilians to prevent them from supporting the opposite force?

Alternative Solution for Searching Argumentative Essay Topics

Even the most difficult assignment can be writing successfully if you are ready to learn lots of new information, to practice your writing skills and to spend lots of time on that.

However, if it happens that your deadline is too close or you simply have no opportunity to dedicate as much time as it may be necessary to writing your essay, it’s better to search for an alternative variant.

In order to solve your issue, you can apply for fast and professional assistance of an essay writing service. A team of talented and experienced authors will quickly write an essay that will bring you a high mark.

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